

SIA Instabalt Latvia deals with wholesale, small or one-time orders; you can find a large part of our products at wholesale distributors of electrical materials and in stores selling construction materials. You can contact us for information on where to buy our goods.
If you are a wholesaler, retailer or you are a manufacturer for specific needs, (you need regular large quantities of certain goods, you need technical support, you have an important delivery speed, etc.) and you plan to buy the goods directly to us, you will need to observe the following conditions:

We accept orders by e-mail.
Orders accepted until noon 14:00 will be deliver to Riga and the rest of Latvia on the next business day.
Orders sent after 14:00, are processed and completed on the next business day, but are delivered to customers one more business day later.
Delivery of goods in Riga territory is carry out every working day.
Delivery of goods to districts also takes place every business day and is delivered to customers on the next business day

WAGO products

Urgent Wago orders are accepted until 10:00
If the item is in the warehouse, it is delivered to Riga within the same day, but on the next working day in the rest of Latvia.
If the item is not in stock in Riga, then the fast delivery costs 20EUR per box up to 15kg. Order execution time 1-2 business days.
Most of the goods are in stock in Germany, but in the case of a fast order, it is necessary to check the existence of the goods.
With quick delivery, you can order the product only in full packages.
Standard orders allow partial delivery of packages, in which case an additional fee of EUR 15 per one piece of packaging is applicable.
In case of an unconventional order less than 200EUR, an additional fee of 6EUR imposed.
Return of Wago goods allowed if there are unopened original packaging of the factory and goods no older than 3 months ago.
We do not deal with retail.
We do not accept payments in cash and with bankcards

Our partners