Picture |
Jumper |
Circuit Diagram |
Applications |
Push-in Type Jumper Bars |
Push-in type jumpers bars (x poles) can be easily customized. They can be adapted by simply removing individual contact pins. Factory pre-configured push-in type jumper bars (1 to x) are also available. |
Continuous Jumpers |
The adjacent jumper for continuous commoning connects an unbounded number of terminals blocks in just one jumper slot. You can simply add another adjacent jumper in the same jumper slot for any additional function or to common a greater number of terminal blocks during commissioning. |
Step-Down Jumpers |
Our step-down jumpers easily common terminal blocks rated for different conductor sizes, making them ideal for power distribution applications. |
Staggered Jumpers |
Staggered jumpers accommodate different potentials across in single jumper slot. Customize jumpers by breaking off individual contact pins. |
Vertical Jumpers |
Vertical jumpers are the perfect solution for multilevel terminal blocks. They easily connect two or three levels. |
Push-in Type Wire Jumpers |
Using push-in type wire jumpers, commoning over longer distances, across multiple levels or around plug-in component accessories is easily achieved. They are available in three different lengths. |
Star Point Jumpers |
This jumper has been specially developed to create a “star point” and is ideal for motor terminal boards. |
Delta Jumpers |
Delta jumpers are available for delta motor connections. |